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Elk... WHAT?!?

 Elktrik Crew traces its origin back to that magical summer of 2003. It was a time of opportunity, curiosity, and exploration. No one was really sure where they were going, and what they wanted to do. Danny and David A., two brothers, were currently attending Seaforth Elementary School. Before long, they became interested in the world of breakdancing, so they quickly took up classes at a local studio owned by Sonica Gujral. The name? Dancin' Stars, a name we would not soon forget. Back then, it all operated under Sonica's own roof! Classes were held on her bottom floor, where she set aside several rooms for dancing. 


David and Danny picked up the techniques fast. With Yoshi Hisanaga leading them, the sky was the limit! And thus, the two had a very enjoyable time. So enjoyable in fact, that they had to tell their friends! Before long, word of these breakdancing classes got out to Jamie E., who quickly passed it on to Jeff S. and Trevor S.. After that, Justin B. and Taylor B. caught word, and the whole group was heading over to Dancin' Stars. Yoshi then formed a bigger breakdancing class, where the seven Seaforth friends could practise their moves. Scott F., (the only one not from Seaforth at that time and went to a ghetto school called Aubrey which wasn't that wealthy and had a lot of rats crawling around and our gym was so...), also showed up to this class. Later, Greg V. E. did as well. 


So weeks went on, and classes progressed. The group of 9 attended as many classes as possible. Yoshi passed down his wisdom to the eager young breakers and they did their best to follow. But the year was drawing to a close, and the Dancin' Stars year-end recital was coming at them like a speeding locomotive. So Yoshi decided that they needed a routine to enter. Unfortunatly, Greg broke his leg in a skiing accident, and was unable to continue dancing. Then came along Matt J. and with his previous breakdance skills, joined the group and started a routine. This got everyone excited, as they would be the first group made entirely of boys to do a breakdancing routine. This had never been seen in the Dancin' Stars recital, and they would later find out that it had never been seen in many competitions. So Yoshi cooked up a wicked routine (well... it seemed wicked to us back then), and everyone picked up the choreography. The recital eventually rolled around, and the 9 boys showed up, ready to dance. In front of a huge crowd, they performed "Breakin' it Down" which became a quick favorite of the studio. At the end of the recital, Sonica even pronounced the boys, "Dance Group of the Year" at Dancin' Stars.


The second year of dance was coming, so all of them took yoshi's intense training summer classes. It was boiling hot and only 1 fan worked. But none the less, the gang fought through the intense conditions and obtained some new moves. Yoshi wanted to expeirement and see what we could do, so starting in september, we made a routine that would start it all. The routine was based on breakdancing instead of hip-hop or other normal dances, and thats what gave it the edge. after practicing day after day, we entered some competitions. We danced to 'We Are Electric' by Flying Steps. In one competition, the anouncer introduced the name wrong and announced us as 'Elktrik'. From then on, we decided to be called Elktrik Krew. We got 1st place Gold medels on every competition. We ended the year undefeated and ready to take on anything. By the end of the year, most of us improved greatly and learned lots of new moves, but some of us didnt advance that well.


Elktrik's third year arrived, and with a bunch of new moves, we were ready for an even better routine then last year. Unfortunatly, half of our group left to pursue sports, so only Taylor B, Justin B, Skott F, and Matt J, remained from the original group. luckily, Matt P. was dancing at the Burnaby Mountain Breakdance Club, and Taylor recomended him to join our group. Matt P was more then qualified to join elktrik and became part of the group. Lisa G. and Sean K. also joined the group. Lisa has been a dancer since she was a little kid and was very excperienced in hip hop style dancing. Sean was new to dance but quickly cought on. Both of them were great assets to Elktrik. But most of all, Devan I. joined Elktrik. Devan was only 8 years old at the time, but he could school any of us easily. This kid was so talented, everyone went crazy when we saw him freetyle. Everyone underestimated him because of his age, but never judge the book by its cover. So now Elktrik had 9 members again, and they were better then ever. But one big change happened to the group. We now had a girl in the group, and Sonica thought this might cause some problems in the future, but Yoshi decided it would be fine and everything would work out.


Elktrik didnt do as well as the year before, but still did great. we won the canadian nationals for junior dance team and got accepted to go to the world championships. But Devan was too young and Justin was too old, plus the price was very high, so they declined the offer and continued dancing. But instead of ending it there, they won another competition and got accepted to go to vegas and compete. Unfortunatly, the entry forms were handed in too late, and we didnt get to compete. We took classes and did some performances there instead. Elktik's third year was more fun then hard work. We got to travel to Portland, Las Vegas, and almost Germany. But every one needs a break once in a while, so next year, Elktrik will work twice as hard to win every competition and hopfully travel to Hawaii for a very importand competition.


In the fourth year, Sean K. left Elktrik to continue playing sports instead. So we needed to have another member. It just so happened that two girls who have been dancing with the boys for over a year wanted to join Elktrik. So Joy M. and Ellen D. joined the Elktrik Crew and got to work right away. Now we have our routine done and ready for competitions. And since we are the defending champions, we gotta give 110% in order to defend out Canada Junior National Champs title. So watch out, here we come...



To be continued....

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